Say Goodbye to Boring QR Codes: Bring Your Brand to Life with Animated <qr-code>

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Creator bio

Jason Dreyzehner “bitjson” is a software security professional with a keen interest in the cryptocurrency market, particularly Bitcoin Cash (BCH). He had the privilege of working with notable organizations such as BitPay and Bitauth in the past, honing his skills and expertise in the field.

As the lead maintainer at ChaingraphCash, he’s constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the blockchain space, leveraging his knowledge to improve security and drive innovation. With a passion for software security, markets, and Bitcoin Cash, He’s excited about the future of decentralized technologies – CashTokens, and the impact they’ll have in the world.

More about bitjson, find in his bloG.


QR codes are a common sight in many interfaces, and they are often used to provide fast access to information or to initiate some kind of action. However, most of the QR codes we see are static and not very visually appealing. This can make them seem dull or unengaging, especially when used in marketing campaigns or other contexts where they need to stand out.

This is where @bitjson/qr-code comes in – it is a zero-dependency, no-framework, customizable, and animate-able SVG-based <qr-code> HTML element that can help make QR codes more engaging and polished. With the open source @bitjson/qr-code, anyone can add a custom icon and color scheme to indicate the requested asset type, the protocol being used, or to fit a brand identity.

Anyone can also include subtle intro animations to match the look and feel of the rest of your user interface. Furthermore, can play in-place animations to indicate detected activity, such as when your backend detects a URL hit or the user has started a pairing process.

Finally, you can play a pronounced exit animation to celebrate a success state, such as when the user completed the checkout, received a payment, paired a device, and more.

So, how can custom, animated QR codes be useful in practice? Here are a few examples:

  • Payment addresses: Qr codes are a prime tool for payment solutions as they provide a way to users to convenient scan and pay on the go without need to stress out about copying long characters and avoid to send Bitcoin Cash or other crypto, Fiat payment to the wrong destination
  • Marketing campaigns: QR codes can be a powerful tool for driving engagement and conversions in marketing campaigns, especially when they are visually appealing and well-designed. With @bitjson/qr-code, you can create custom codes that match your brand identity and include animations that draw attention to them, such as pulsating or glowing effects.
  • Event invitations: QR codes can be used to provide easy access to event information or registration pages. By animating the code in a way that’s eye-catching, you can encourage recipients to take a closer look and increase the chances that they’ll attend.
  • Product packaging: QR codes can be included on product packaging to provide additional information or access to online resources, such as instruction manuals or support forums. By animating the code, you can create a more immersive and engaging experience for users, which can help build brand loyalty and increase customer satisfaction.

To use @bitjson/qr-code, users only need to provide the data that will be shown in the QR code. Colors can be customized using module-color (the color of each small dot), position-ring-color (the rings around the boxes in the corners), and position-center-color (the color in the center of those boxes). Users can also include center icons that aren’t square, such as a horizontal logo that might have a ratio of 1.5 or more.

@bitjson/qr-code also exposes an API to the rest of the page, allowing for animations to be played using Javascript. Several animation presets are built-in, but it’s also very easy to create your own animation. Additionally, the project includes an animation previewer that allows you to slow down the animation or manually scroll through it, which is very helpful in fine-tuning complex, natural-looking animations.

One of the most impressive things about @bitjson/qr-code is that it requires very little maintenance. The project is a revival of an earlier open source project that was built in 2018, and it happily continues to use a 5-year old, alpha version of the Stencil toolchain without any updates to dependencies.

This highlights the maintainability difference of Web Components – they are self-contained, and they don’t need to be continuously tweaked to keep up with the latest web frameworks.

To conclude, @bitjson/qr-code is an excellent tool for anyone who wants to create custom, animated QR codes that look great and add value to their user interface. It is easy to use, works with any framework or build system, and requires very little maintenance. Whether you’re a web developer, designer, or marketer, @bitjson/qr-code is definitely worth checking out.

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